Support Our Bodies Ourselves Today
Thank you for giving generously to Our Bodies Ourselves Today. Your gift enables us to offer trustworthy information, compelling personal stories, and incisive feminist analysis on the health and sexuality of women and gender-expansive people.
Your support allows us to provide an alternative to the noise, misinformation, and misogyny of the current political and media climates and to carry on the Our Bodies, Ourselves legacy. Your donation also helps to ensure that the life-changing content, grounded in real people’s diverse lived experiences, which Our Bodies Ourselves is renowned for, is available to all. Thank you!
If you would like to mail in your gift, please send it to:
Our Bodies Ourselves Today
Suffolk University Office of Advancement
73 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02108
Please make checks payable to:
Our Bodies Ourselves Today
For information about giving through your Donor Advised Fund, please contact Jeffrey Foss, Suffolk University’s Senior Director of Philanthropic Partnerships, at [email protected].