What are the real cost to serve our Hero's:
-$20,000 to buy a new high-tech, all terrain wheelchair
-$15,000 to send a Hero thru the SOF Missions Basic Resiliency Clinic and provides them up to a year of follow up care in their hometown
-$15,000 to train a service dog for those suffering from PTS and/or TBI
-$15,000 to sponsor the Florida Initiative to Prevent Veteran Suicides
-$10,000 to send a Hero thru Equine Therapy at McCormick Research Institute
-$5,000 to sponsor a Hero and their family to attend outreach retreats.
-$5,000 to help a Hero thru Veterans Counseling Veterans.
-$3,000 to train a veteran to be certified in the Trauma Resiliency Protocol (TRP) for PTSD and acute stress and the Emotions management Process (EMP) for negative emotions like anger, anxiety, fear, sadness, survivor’s guilt, etc.
-$1,500 to send a Hero thru the Deep Blue Dive Therapy program
Every dollar collected goes towards these programs allowing the warrior to pick what meets their needs best!!