By checking the above box, I acknowledge that I understand its intent to bind me to this agreement: I, for myself and each of my heirs, executors, administrators and representatives, do hereby agree to and will absolve and hold harmless Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph, the sponsors, cooperating organizations and any other parties connected with this event in any way together with their respective employees, volunteers, members, owners, board members, successors and assigns, singly and collectively (“absolved parties”), from and against any blame and liability for any injury, harm, loss, inconvenience or any other damage or expense of any kind whatsoever, which may arise out of my participation, the participation of my team, or negligence, carelessness, or any other act or omission on the part of any of the absolved parties.
I also hereby give permission to Catholic Charities of Kansas City- St. Joseph to use my name or image by way of a photograph, video or audio format taken of me during the event or in connection with my participation (including any I or others submit) in any promotional materials, publications or any other electronic media in addition to disclosing my name on Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph’s website, which includes online pledging. In the event of my injury or illness during participation, whether at the site of the event or at a remote location if the event is virtual, I hereby consent to and permit emergency treatment.
Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph reserves the right to refuse or dismiss the participation of anyone who may hinder the success of the event or cause any disturbance that could jeopardize the safety of oneself or others.
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