Thank you for supporting the Friends of Sauganash PTO first annual Walk-A-Thon! This will be one of our major fundraisers for the year, taking the place of the previous Annual Fund Drive. We need your help to reach our fundraising goals for the school. Please fill out the form below to register your student as a fundraiser for the Walk-A-Thon. After registration, your student(s)* will have their own donation page. Please share with friends and family to drive donations. Prizes will be awarded to the top fundraising students!
Don't forget to add your students to their respective grade level team when registering - prizes will also be awarded to the winning grade level! After you click "Become a Fundraiser", you will be sent to a page when you can "Join a Team". Please select your child's grade from the team list.
*If registering multiple students, the same parent contact information (email and phone) can be used for each student