220 Donors

35 Fundraisers

$90,000 Goal

Top Teams

Go to Lighthouse


Total Raised
Text CRNASGIVEBACK12 to 71777
Go to Capital


Total Raised
Text CRNASGIVEBACK7 to 71777

Go to Lorenzo Sanguedolce

Lorenzo Sanguedolce

Text CRNASGIVEBACK32 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Athena Kerin

Athena Kerin

Text CRNASGIVEBACK46 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Yana Krmic

Yana Krmic

Text CRNASGIVEBACK16 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Cheryl Spulecki

Cheryl Spulecki

Text CRNASGIVEBACK23 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Esther Solis Santis

Esther Solis Santis

Text CRNASGIVEBACK48 to 71777 to donate
Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Lorenzo Sanguedolce

Lorenzo Sanguedolce

University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo Challenge! We came in last place among all four schools last year. Let's not let that happen again! We're challenging every resident to donate to the PAC, but we can't do it alone! Spread the word to family and friends about the vital role CRNAs play in healthcare in the state of New York, and to ask for their support for the profession. 2023 Challenge & Prizes: Donate by March 30, 2023 to contribute to your team and make your donation count during the 2023 legislative session! Each of the four nurse anesthesia programs will compete for bragging rights as well as breakfast treats, as a token of the PAC committee’s thanks for your efforts. You do not need to attend a school to donate to its page. You do not even need to be nurse!

Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Athena Kerin

Athena Kerin


New York CRNAs Give Back! I am spreading the word to friends, family, and colleagues about the vital role CRNAs play in healthcare in the state of New York, and I am asking you to support this profession that I love. Help my district or school compete for bragging rights. Please donate to my team.

Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Yana Krmic

Yana Krmic

New York CRNAs Give Back! I am spreading the word to friends, family, and colleagues about the vital role CRNAs play in healthcare in the state of New York, and I am asking you to support this profession that I love. Help us to achieve our goal, and compete for bragging rights. Please donate to my team.

Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Cheryl Spulecki

Cheryl Spulecki

New York CRNAs Give Back! I am spreading the word to friends, family, and colleagues about the vital role CRNAs play in healthcare in the state of New York, and I am asking you to support this profession that I love. Help my district or school compete for bragging rights. Please donate to my team.

Total Raised
Goal Amount
Go to Esther Solis Santis

Esther Solis Santis

New York CRNAs Give Back! I am spreading the word to friends, family, and colleagues about the vital role CRNAs play in healthcare in the state of New York, and I am asking you to support this profession that I love. Help my district or school compete for bragging rights. Please donate to my team.

Total Raised
Goal Amount