October 2-3, 2021
at the Mills College Pool
Registration is now open for the 2021 Swim A Mile / Move A Mile for Women with Cancer!
The Swim A Mile / Move A Mile is a fun and inspiring annual event whose participants raise money for the wide range of FREE programs and services offered by the Women's Cancer Resource Center in Berkeley, CA.
WCRC’s goal was originally $350,000. And every time its participants meet it, we raise it a little bit more. Thank you, donors, for allowing WCRC to dream BIG and find even more ways to serve our clients with programs that meet them where they are, and make where they are that much better.
We are keeping the Move A Mile portion of the event! On October 2nd and 3rd, you can swim at the Mills pool or run, walk or bike on campus. Or you can “choose your own adventure” and move a mile however, whenever, and wherever you choose.
For 35 years, WCRC’s mission has been to improve quality of life for women with cancer and advance equity in cancer support, especially for low-income persons, people of color, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Free services include psychotherapy, support groups, art and wellness classes, community-based patient navigation, and information and referral to community resources.
WCRC annually serves more than 2,000 clients.
Share Your Swim A Mile / Move A Mile on Social Media
#swimamile #moveamile #wcrc
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Registration is now open for the 2021 Swim A Mile / Move A Mile for Women with Cancer!
The Swim A Mile / Move A Mile is a fun and inspiring annual event whose participants raise money for the wide range of FREE programs and services offered by the Women's Cancer Resource Center in Berkeley, CA.
WCRC’s goal was originally $350,000. And every time its participants meet it, we raise it a little bit more. Thank you, donors, for allowing WCRC to dream BIG and find even more ways to serve our clients with programs that meet them where they are, and make where they are that much better.
We are keeping the Move A Mile portion of the event! On October 2nd and 3rd, you can swim at the Mills pool or run, walk or bike on campus. Or you can “choose your own adventure” and move a mile however, whenever, and wherever you choose.
For 35 years, WCRC’s mission has been to improve quality of life for women with cancer and advance equity in cancer support, especially for low-income persons, people of color, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Free services include psychotherapy, support groups, art and wellness classes, community-based patient navigation, and information and referral to community resources.
WCRC annually serves more than 2,000 clients.
Share Your Swim A Mile / Move A Mile on Social Media
#swimamile #moveamile #wcrc
You have no teams at this time.
You have no fundraisers at this time.
Be the first person to donate to the cause!