National Inventors Hall of Fame

    $0 Total Raised

    $10,000 Goal

    Please join us on March 7, 2024, at 7 AM in front of the Ritz-Carlton in Washington DC, for the PTAB Bar Walk for STEM hosted by the PTAB Bar Association’s Women’s committee.   This year we will be walking in support of STEM education.  In the spirit of giving, the Women’s committee has elected to partner with the non-profit National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF) and raise funds to provide children with scholarships to the Camp Invention program.  Camp Invention is a leading K-6 STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) program inspiring creative problem solving, teamwork, entrepreneurship and curiosity. This program also gives kids in grades 7-9 the opportunity to become Leaders-in-Training (LITs) and develop leadership skills through formal training and mentorship.

    Please consider joining us on the walk and making a donation directly to NIHF today!   

    Be the first person to donate to the cause!

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