Valentine's Day

    $0 Total Raised

    $5,000 Goal

    0 Donors

    Over the past two years, through COVID-19, United Way has worked hard to address the most pressing needs in our community. The work that we do is not possible without the support of generous partners like you. With the impact of the pandemic still an every-day reality, we hope you will consider a gift this Valentine’s Day. Show your love for our community and help our neighbors who are still struggling.

    Your support of United Way will…

    • Provide food to families and individuals experiencing hunger.
    • Administer crisis support to community members so they are not forced to sacrifice essentials.
    • Prevent evictions so families are able to stay safely housed.
    • Provide access to mental health resources to students struggling with the trauma of the pandemic.
    • Keep our 211 Helpline running 24/7 to enable local residents to access resources and wraparound support.

    Meet MichaelAs the need continues in our community, so does our work. Your gift today will make a big impact on the lives of local individuals like Michael (click here to read his story). Let’s continue to work together to strengthen our community.

    Remember, you can choose to make your gift in honor of someone special in your life, and we will send them a card to notify them of your generosity.

    Love United

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