Join PAU in Supporting Mental Health Care for All!

Erika Cameron

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Help Me Shape the Future of Mental Health: Support PAU! 

Hello Everyone!

I'm Erika Cameron, Provost and VP for Academic and Student Affairs at Palo Alto University (PAU).

We're currently facing an unprecedented mental health crisis, and the need for qualified professionals has never been more critical. PAU is leading the charge by providing comprehensive education in psychology and counseling. We offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, shaping the next generation of mental health professionals.

I invite you to join me in making a collective difference by supporting PAU. Your contribution will ensure our students not only complete their programs but also receive the expert clinical training that defines our university.

As Provost, I've witnessed the dedicated work of our exceptional staff, faculty, and students who are passionate about making a positive impact in mental health. Your generous donation will directly contribute to sustaining this incredible work and enable us to train more students and expand our scope, reaching even more individuals in need.

Whether you can contribute a little or a lot, your participation is invaluable. Together, we can create a future that prioritizes mental health care and personal well-being. Please consider making a donation to PAU today and be a part of the movement to shape a brighter and healthier tomorrow.

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to mental health.

Warm regards,

Dr. Erika Cameron

Provost and VP for Academic and Student Affairs, Palo Alto University

Palo Alto University, a private, non-profit university located in the heart of Northern California’s Silicon Valley, offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs in psychology and counseling. With an outstanding faculty who make significant contributions to their field, and supportive staff, PAU educates confident, competent, and compassionate mental health professionals who are leaders at the forefront of psychology and counseling and who make a difference every day in the lives of others.

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